From David Schuler:
Jim Fitzpatrick embodies educational leadership with every bone in his body. I am thrilled that he authored this book to help our colleagues across the country enhance their leadership capacity.
I have had the privilege and honor to count Jim as one of my first mentors twenty years ago when I first became a superintendent. His insight, perspectives, context, and wisdom shaped my understanding of the role of an educational leader and I will always be indebted to him for his mentorship and counsel.
While I found the entire book incredibly enlightening, I would draw readers’ focus to the final third of the book. Throughout Jim’s time as a superintendent, he was absolutely masterful at making and communicating tough decisions along with focusing on School Board relationships. In addition, those of us who have been educational leaders for extended periods of time know that we can only survive, and thrive, by creating networks of colleagues with whom to collaborate and by achieving a life-work balance (I know most people call it a work-life balance, but I believe at my core that life should come first).
This is an awesome book, written by one of the top educational leaders of our time. I hope you learn as much from Jim’s writings as I have learned from him over the years.
David R. Schuler, Ph.D.
2015 – 2016 AASA President
2018 Illinois Superintendent of the Year
2018 AASA National Superintendent of the Year
From Tom Kersten:
Beyond Theory and Degrees: The Alley Smarts of Educational Leadership is a must read for administrators considering the superintendency as well as current superintendents. Jim Fitzpatrick’s deep, personal knowledge garnered throughout his long and successful career are just what aspiring and practicing superintendents need to understand in order to help them navigate the complexity and pitfalls all district leaders face at various points throughout their careers.
As a seasoned professional, Jim shares his wisdom on all the key topics that school district leaders need to address. His folky writing style coupled with multiple pragmatic tips ring true for me as a former superintendent. In fact, I wish I had read this book before I stepped into my superintendency.
Dr. Thomas A. Kersten
Associate Professor Emeritus at Roosevelt University
Retired Superintendent, Skokie School District 68
From Deb Kerr:
Great leadership entails being an influencer of people. Jim has captured this beautifully in his book Beyond Theories and Degrees: “The Alley Smarts of Educational Leadership” with his authentic storytelling of his leadership experiences.
Jim’s encouraging voice reminds us that we all can learn and should learn from one another in our respective leadership roles. He candidly shares the need for all leaders to develop confidence, self-discipline, and resilience as the tools for successful leadership.
This book is a practical reflection of various entry points into leadership as an aspiring or practicing leader. Most importantly, Jim reminds us of the importance of relationships not only to one another but also to a place of shared responsibilities and benefits to serve all children and families and serve them well through our excellent leadership.
Dr. Deb Kerr
2019-20 President of the American Association of School Administrators (AASA)
Superintendent- Brown Deer School District, Wisconsin Superintendent
From Miles Turner:
I first met Dr. James Fitzpatrick (Jim) over 30 years ago, when I was guest lecturing at the University of Wisconsin. From his insights, questions and demeanor in that class it was clear that he would be a successful school leader. As the Executive Director of the State Superintendents Association for 24 years I was able to watch Jim move “up the ladder” with tremendous success at each level. I can honestly say that Dr. Fitzpatrick has one of the best grasps of leadership essentials that I have seen over the years. It is a gift to future generations of school leaders that he has shared that knowledge in this book.
This book is a must read for aspiring school administrators. It is also a valuable “refresher” for veteran administrators who want to be reminded of the essential principles of their profession so that they can lead and mentor their administrative teams. Dr. Fitzpatrick has captured the essence of what it takes to be a successful school leader. Read it and you will have a solid foundation for your career in the noble profession of school administration.
Miles Turner
Retired Executive Director
The Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators (WASDA)
From Ryan McCarty:
I have the distinct pleasure of having Dr. Fitzpatrick, or “Fitz” as he is affectionately known by his students, as both a colleague at National Louis University and as my professor in the Educational Leadership program. Though I have held many roles in education (professor, consultant, coordinator, instructional coach, teacher), I have learned so much from his courses. I especially value how his teaching makes the impossibly complex work of a school leader seem manageable. I often leave his classes thinking “Okay, I can do this!” My only regret is that I didn’t meet him earlier in my career, because Dr. Fitzpatrick is the kind of mentor anyone would want to have.
Beyond Theories and Degrees: The Alley Smarts of School Leadership distills what is great about Dr. Fitzpatrick’s teaching, including his legendary sense of humor, and puts it in an accessible package. Now everyone can benefit from his mentorship and practical wisdom!
Ryan McCarty, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, National Louis University