Publication Date: August 1, 2020
Beyond Theories & Degrees is now available for purchase:
We need passionate and invested leaders in our schools. This book implores readers to reflect upon their own journeys’ as educators in considering the next steps in their careers. Too often passionate and caring educators disqualify themselves in advancing to the leadership ranks where undoubtedly they could have flourished! They fear they may not have the scholarly acumen to lead in some capacity in a school or district. This book is designed to destroy that myth!
Be assured that you can LEAD, if you are passionate about making a difference in the lives of youths, and the educators who teach and guide them. This book will affirm your self-confidence. You do not have to be a scholar. As a practitioner if you can demonstrate your own sense of humility and integrity in embracing the concepts of collaboration, affirmation, trust, and distributive leadership you have what it takes to lead!
Educational leadership is honorable and rewarding work. Especially when you can move a learning community to higher ground. We need good principals, superintendents, and administrative leaders in our schools and districts. Hopefully this book will spark the fire in you to take that next career leap into leadership!
Superintendents, administrators, and principals can also find this book useful in building culture and using the contents for a collaborative book study. Superintendents might also find this book valuable in inducting new Board members in getting them to understand the roles and responsibilities of the Board and the Superintendent in their shared governance roles.
Table of Contents:
- Foreword: The Honorable James E. Doyle, Governor of Wisconsin (2003-2011)
- Preface: What I can offer you in your quest to be an Educational Leader!
- Introduction:
Part 1: The Essentials of Leadership
- Chapter 1: Do I have the Pedigree to Lead?
- Chapter 2: Everything Starts with Culture
- Chapter 3: POCDICE: The Processes of Educational Leadership
Part 2: Leadership at the Building Level
- Chapter 4: The Principalship: Instructional Leader or Manager?
- Chapter 5: Hiring Great People: From Recruitment to Induction
- Chapter 6: Selecting and Developing Assistant Principals
- Chapter 7: Teacher Evaluation: A Reflective Look at Current Practice
- Chapter 8: The Importance of Support Staff, Visibility, and Supervision in a Building.
- Chapter 9: Decision Making –When the Tough Ones Come Your Way!
Part 3: The Superintendency, Board of Education and Life Balance:
- Chapter 10: The Superintendency-Cannot do it alone!
- Chapter 11: The Board of Education and Superintendent: Roles and Relationships!
- Chapter 12: Life Balance
- Acknowledgements
- About the Author